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The Freehand

These Women Can

Flavors of Chocolates and Vanillas aren't the same,

Being posted on media, is a love language game,

Yet some may find words and letters deep and sincere,

It doesn't invalidate their purposes oh so clear!

It can be grasped, in that perspective alone,

Where variety is normal, even strange is a home,

But there's this window that one cannot be trespassed,

By the idea of equality, turned selective and obsessed.

Men are this, men are that,

Women speak this, do this, work that,

Yet if women surpass the ability of men,

Society delimits her freedom, be caged 'til then,

If men can rule, then why women can’t?

If men can speak, why women can't chant?

There is a limitless room, for men in this world,

Yet women should act as fool, shut to make a word.

Why it can't be grasped through that perspective alone?

There's men's greatness, yet women's are disowned,

Women aren't just for household and motherhood,

They existed to nurture, teach and color childhood,

It is a hard pill to swallow, that we enabled it ‘til today,

We put end to their chapters, cutting their dreams away,

To break double standards, or biased reserved string,

To accept flowers of progress, to grow roots when spring,

Yet men’s can be women’s, life doesn’t favor gender or so,

In politics, sports or the profession they chose to be devoted,

These should be free from misogynistic or sexist call and flow,

Being a woman isn’t a handicap, but a crown to be celebrated.

We must find the courage to liberate these all soon,

What man can do, is women’s learning tune.

If men can speak, these women will chant,

If men can rule, then these women can.

Illustration by: Sydney Diesta



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