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Think Twice

Leizel Fuentes

"Change is coming", a line that captivated the hearts of many Filipinos. All of us probably hoped for that. We longed for change in politics – the never-ending corruption and the general poor governance. After long years of waiting for a change, have we really witnessed a change for the good in the government? We’re being tricked into the idea of change without realizing that the change they're talking about is negatively executed. While longing for betterment, Filipino experienced much worst. As the 2022 Election draws near, the same cycle might happen again. The never-ending quest for change and it would be up to us if we will let the same mistakes of the past occur again.

The 2022 Election is approaching. Slowly, names of candidates will be announced together with their "promising" propaganda. According to the Commission on Election, as of June, 60 million Filipinos were already entitled to cast their ballots. This huge number of people can make a big difference. So, thinking twice in casting our votes is indeed a life-changing act of a patriot. As a democratic country, we Filipinos should be educated enough of the power we hold as voters who gets to choose the next leader of the country.

As we choose our next leader, do not let the same mistake happen again and again. Human rights violation is on spree during this administration since 2016, almost 30,000 lives were claimed in the unreasonable EJK and war on drugs. Tons of other issues such as the unsolved territorial dispute, the alarming number of empty stomachs, and ineffective responses magnified during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Let the situation guides us in choosing our leader. The Pandemic exposed how well and the capabilities of government in prioritizing the welfare of the Filipino. Let their action be the number one guide if they are deserving in the position in the incoming election.

Cronies of the current administration have been desperate for positions in the government – have been lowkey campaigning themselves even before the election period has begun. Dare we want another government that threatens people over showing compassion and help? Cronies of the administration have been a center of entertainment because most of those elected are not even credible for the position; an actor, comedian, an athlete, a singer – what do these people even know about lawmaking? Even retired generals have got positions in the government, given the responsibility to handle the pandemic when medical experts and scientists should be the ones to handle it.

We're all longing for change because it is clear that something is not right, something must change. Luckily, the change is in our hands. Don't rely on politicians for change, change is on the way if we, Filipinos choose our leaders wisely and logically. It is important to know the credibility of such candidates, what are their capabilities in relation to politics and leading. Let us not elect merely based on popularity. Such an election is not a people’s choice award.

Democracy is too far from freedom if we don’t use our freedom and privilege to vote wisely. Use democracy for the betterment of the whole country. Don't be sway away by the image of the candidates, look at the bigger picture and their capacity to lead. Politics will be different if people with a 'heart to lead' were put in the government. One action will contribute to a great impact. The Ripple effect is inevitable. Put ink on your finger in 2022. Cast your vote, wisely and effectively.

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