Martial Law editorial cartoon by John Hendrich Magcalas/TF Illustrator
The Martial Law is in the lens of Historical Revisionism. A long fight for setting the record straight is up. With the main goal of filled people with assembled lie, revisionism denies the truth and reconstruct it with lies. In the 49th year of the Martial Law, comes shame to those who disable the truth.
Clearly, the Deadly Regime is mislabeled as the 'Golden Era'. Many Marcos apologist believes in the Marcos' Legacy but failed to realize the shadows of it. Trailed by bloods and terrors of countless abuse, Martial Law is far from being golden. Based on the Human Rights Violation’s Victim Memorial Commission (HRVVMC) , Almost 11,103 individuals had fallen victims to rights violations by the Marcos dictatorship. 2,104 people approved claims for torture and 2,326 people were either killed or went missing without any trace. Freedom of Speech is neglected because pointing out tyranny on Marcos Regime equates to death.
Embracing the false information is an act of betrayal to the people that became the victim of the Martial Law. Many fallacies and argument keeps on rising in the different social media platform that pollutes uneducated enablers of the overly praise Marcos’ Legacy. Myths and the never ending praises to the infrastructures built and accomplished during the time of Marcos were used to which it seems humanizes and justifies his regime's inhumane act of the Dictatorship.
Disinformation is one of the undeniable root causes of the insurgence of Marcos enabling. Lack of knowledge make some fool for adoring a human right violator. The presence of alarming number of people romanticizing the idea and glorifying a dictator’s name unconsciously allows the termination of the atrocities and suffering of the victims during his dictatorship. The rise of revisionism and alteration of History keeps pulling us down especially in the Digital area. Lack of Media Literacy tarnishes the minds to believe false information that favors the oppressor, and forgets the grief of the oppressed .
Historical revisionist is guilty of the sin of corrupting the youth from the truth. Glorifying the horror by comdemning the truth is a great sin to forge. Marcos enablers share the same iniquity, this mindless act leads to rise of opportunity for oppressor to rise their power and use this propaganda technique for their own skims and benefits. Especially in the times like this where Election is near, the danger of electing the candidates carrying the dictator’s name as the main banner to appeal to mass is more likely to occur.
You don’t need to experience those atrocious of Martial Law to believe that something like that happened. Think of it in the larger scale and scope, some may be affected by it, some may not. Some feel at ease but some were found at graveyard. Nonetheless, evil deeds is no lesser evil just because.
You cannot deny the fact that something like that exist. Martial Law is there and it is real. Some may don’t care cause they are not the direct person involved in the brutality of it. Lucky for the people that don’t experience the dismays of the Martial Law period. But everyone have their own stories to hold in different angle and perspective. History shall not be built by assembled lies. Alternation and sugarcoating of Martial Law must end cause it brings nothing but dangers us to repeat the same mistake again and again.